MySQL Statements: RDBMS

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Entity Relationship Diagram

Introduction EER Diagram Key Symbol = Primary Key One Or Many One Only Naming Conventions Summary


A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) includes tables which relate to each other with primary and foreign keys. The Enhanced Entity Relationship (EER) diagram, below, represents the relationship between three tables, Orders, Customers and Products, in an RDBMS.

The parent table is the Order table. Foreign keys ProductID and CustomerID relate the Order table with the Product and Customer child tables. With foreign keys in the Order table, developers can retrieve customer and product information from the other two tables.

The next few pages demonstrate how to Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) tables, rows, columns and cells, with MySQL in an RDBMS. We'll also cover how to create and use stored procedures, functions and views.

EER Diagram for a Store

EER Diagram

Diagram Prepared with MySQL Workbench 8.0.

Primary Key

The primary key symbol looks like a key in the EER diagram. A primary key is a unique identifier for a record in a table. The following MySQL statement creates a table named Products with a primary key named ProductID.

 ProductID int NOT NULL, 

One Or Many

The horizontal line with three connecting lines represents a one or many relationship. In this diagram the Orders table may have one or many Products. The orders table may have one or many Customers.

One & Only One

The double horizontal line with one vertical connecting line represents one and only one. Both the Customers table and the Products table connect to the Orders table with the one and only one, symbol.

One Order: One Customer

For each order you can have only one customer. That makes perfect sense. In a common order system you wouldn't want to bill more than one customer for one order.

However in medical services order systems you might bill insurance first, then bill the customer with the remainder.

One Order: One Product

For each order, you can have only one product. The order might include multiples of that one product, but it won't include different products.

A more realistic store order system would allow one customer and one order with more than one product per order. That would allow more efficient processing.

Naming Conventions

This series prepends an F before function names, an SP before stored procedure names, a V before views and a T before trigger names. It's usually easier to locate and remember types when they're prepended with a letter or two that indicate their type.

MySQL common standards usually use upper case letters for keywords such as SELECT, WHERE, JOIN, CREATE, and MySQL built in functions such as TRIM(). It's just a common practice, but MySQL statements work with upper or lower case keywords.


My understanding is that upper and lower case letters only apply, in a technical sense, to alphabetic characters, where comparisons can be case-sensitive. For example SELECT STRCMP("ABCD", "abcd"); returns zero, which means the first and second strings match. However SELECT BINARY STRCMP("abcd", "ABCD"); returns 0x30. The strings don't match when the binary value for each letter is compared.


I used upper and lower case letters to name tables, functions, triggers, stored procedures, parameters and views, however, in these cases, MySQL disregards case, unless the developer specifically applies COLLATE modifiers.

MySQL standards usually use an underscore to separate such words, yet this series uses uppercase letters to separate words. In the future instead of naming functions such as SPInsertOrder(), I'll probably use names such as sp_insert_order(). You can call the stored procedure, SPInsertOrder(); with CALL SPInsertOrder(); or call spinsertorder();. Therefore use of all lower case letters makes more sense, especially if an upgrade enforces case-sensitivity later. It's a good habit to name variables the same way you use them. Developers will have a habit of applying the same case, across the board.


A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) includes tables which relate to each other with primary and foreign keys. The Enhanced Entity Relationship (EER) diagram, above, represents the relationship between three tables, Orders, Customers and Products, in an RDBMS.

The next few pages demonstrate how to Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) tables, rows, columns and cells, with MySQL in an RDBMS. We'll also cover how to create and use stored procedures, functions and views.

MySQL for the Web

MySQL has many uses in Web development including storing records for e-commerce, product inventory, logging files, blog posts, online portals (logins), client-server models, record and image display for Web front stores.


On the Web, a Web page might act as a client. Users send requests to middleware, through the client, often with the click of a button, input of login text or selection of a menu item. Middleware then retrieves information from a database, often with Web scripting languages.

Web Scripting Middleware

Often Web scripting languages, such as Python and PHP, provide the ability to create, read, update and delete, MySQL records. Scripting languages can determine if login passwords were correct, retrieve, then display lists and images of inventory, add, update or delete orders, and process other complex information.

What is MySQL?

MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS). SQL, abbreviates the terms, Structured Query Language. Relational databases prepare data into sets of one or more tables, where tables may relate to each other with primary and foreign keys. The organization and ability to coordinate between tables allows for structure.

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