Python & MySQL: RESTful

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Correlation Between MySQL and RESTful Methods

Introduction HTTP & MySQL Features HTTP and MySQL Correlation Table Server Responses Summary


Learn how to prepare HTTP RESTful services with MySQL, Python and a relational database. MySQL and HTTP methods don't correspond perfectly with each other. See the HTTP & MySQL Correlation Table, below, for a basic relationship between MySQL and RESTful HTTP methods. This Python & MySQL: RESTful series, connects Python and RESTful Web services with similar relationships.

This page provides an overview for a set of Python and MySQL interactive examples. This Python & MySQL: RESTful series includes explanation, examples and source code to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) MySQL data, then apply those operations with Python to implement RESTful Web services.

The next page discusses the basics of a relational database management system (RDBMS) with MySQL and Python. For more detail regarding MySQL itself, please see MySQL Statements: RDBMS.

HTTP & MySQL Features

Basic MySQL functionality includes Create, Read, Update and Delete, usually abbreviated as CRUD. HTTP request methods include Connect, Delete, Get, Head, Options, Patch, Post, Put and Trace. MySQL and HTTP methods relate to each other. They're similar.

HTTP & MySQL Correlation Table

The following table includes alternating rows with HTTP methods and similar MySQL operations.

The second to last column indicates whether or not the examples are idempotent. In computer science (not mathematics) idempotent operations may change the underlying struction once or never. Multiple idempotent operations, of the same type, may modify a SQL database the first time, while accomplishing nothing when executed many times.

The last column, In URI, indicates whether or not values for the HTTP method pass to a Web service, appended to the Web address. When In URI equals No, then it's more difficult to change arguments and values, because they are invisible to most users. They're probably more secure.

When In URI equals Yes, then you might see values added to the end of a Web address. For example, 7, might pass to the Web service as In that case it's easy to change the order information to 1, 10, 9, or any other number. Therefore In URI is easier to modify.

OperationMethodFunctionality idempotentIn URI
HTTP POST Create Resource No No
MySQL Create Create Resource No
HTTP GET Read Resource Yes1 All:No,Some:Yes
MySQL Read Read Resource Yes
HTTP PUT Create or Replace ResourceYes2 Yes
MySQL Update Create or Replace ResourceYes
HTTP DELETE Delete Resource No3 Yes
MySQL Delete Delete Resource No3

HTTP & MySQL Correlation Table: Superscripts

  1. GET:Read:idempotent1: Repeated execution of the same GET request returns the same result unless values in the database have changed.
  2. PUT:Update:idempotent2: Repeated execution of the same PUT request returns the same result.
  3. DELETE:Delete:idempotent3: Repeated execution of the same DELETE request returns the same result.
  4. GET & PUT: Both share the same resource with the same ID in the URI. However PUT modifies the resource with content in the body of the message.

Server Responses

The Web service should return a response number, in the header. This enables the Web client to display information appropriately. The following list includes some common responses.

English ResponseNumbered Response
No Content204
Not Modified3042
Not Found404
Bad Request400

Server Response: Superscripts

  1. Accepted:201:Numbered Response1: May take time to process.
  2. Not Modified:304:Numbered Response2: The client already has this data.

Simple Response

The following code demonstrates sending a simple response from a server. The response tells the client its request was handled OK. The response includes the date, server and content type followed by new line characters. The header follows the response.

The server responds with a status code before the HTML header, as follows, with the number 200. Substitute response numbers, depending on how the server handles a request.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2021 24:43:02 GMT
Server: Python/3.2.3
Content-Type: text/html\n\n


Python threads help with long running operations such as input/output and execution of MySQL statements. Threads ideally allow the user interface to remain responsive, during operations which require long periods of time. Some pages in this series include threads, or asynchronous operations, with Python.


Learn how to prepare HTTP RESTful services with MySQL, Python and a relational database. MySQL and HTTP methods don't correspond perfectly with each other. See the HTTP & MySQL Correlation Table, above, for a basic relationship between MySQL and RESTful HTTP methods. This Python & MySQL: RESTful series, connects Python and RESTful Web services with similar relationships.

This page provided an overview for a set of Python and MySQL interactive examples. This Python & MySQL: RESTful series includes explanation, examples and source code to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) MySQL data, then apply those operations with Python to implement RESTful Web services.

The next page discusses the basics of a relational database management system (RDBMS) with MySQL and Python. For more detail regarding MySQL itself, please see MySQL Statements: RDBMS.

RESTful Methods with MySQL

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Python with MySQL


HostGator switched to Python MySQLdb connectors for shared hosting, after I completed this series. The primary coding differences follow.

Combine Python, MySQL and RESTful methods for Web development.

Unfortunately the requests module isn't available in my particular hosting environment, at this time. The recommended requests module simplifies RESTful Python development.

Hire a Web Developer, Server-Side Development, server side, middleware, backend programming, Web development, Python development insights, SQL, database programming

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